its some real shit
no doubt
its some real shit
no doubt
not cool man
i was incredible offended by this flash, mayne
im not usually touchy about these things but... man
those chicken wingz are not extra cripsy, wtf man.
If a black person is gonna have a bucket of chicken, make them EXTRA CRISPY
sorry, but i dnt do extra crispy. :(
I like this very much!
It's smooth and the story is great.
Nothing better than a long tween!
And it's packed full of action!
5 minutes of pure madness!
This was great!
yeaqh! lol!
I just got Dane Cook'ed!
ogm! lol!
Not bad!
But not awesome
the voice acting sound quality went from shit to great
try and get a better mic!
the animation was pretty good and the story is good enough!
graphics could be better but it works!
don't like the manga-like graphics and the lip syncing was not that good!
lacks backgrounds too!
i think the next episode will be great!
well about the micro :D
hehe that was real funny man
i lmao in the beginning when the madness dude stole his kfc badge!!
i loved the animation and the way you animated the fat black mans flip move was hilarious!!
and i was sick of seeing hank everywhere! fuck his bandages, kfc badge is the way to roll!
hahah this was great!
Whoa. A 10 review from a random person i don't even know who says this movie is fucking hilarious. You have just inspired me to make MZM 69 3 even better than ever. This review means loads to me. I hope you will like 3 just as much when i finish it.
'Under Judgement'
haha and it was icycrew and two other guys i had to review it!
Crazyass funny, man! :D
haha thank you?
Yo man!
This has got to be in the drugs collection!
Awesome work, I LMAO! :D
Damn man, thanks! :D
I love this episode! When's the gangstas coming back?
He was mad funny!
Crazy ass funny man, you gotta put up the new ep soon!
Haha, he may come back, if I decide to put in that crackheaded gangster in my show again :P ;)
stay tru to yoself fool #REELMANESHIT
BSA (Bitchslappin Academy)
Robeline, LA
Joined on 3/1/09